The Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP) is an ESA-NASA collaborative project focused on improving the understanding of aboveground terrestrial carbon dynamics.

The ESA MAAP Service is currently under evolution and new features will become available in the coming months, the goal remains to provide users with computing capabilities co-located with data, tools and algorithms developed to support this specific field of research.

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4th DLR PolInSAR course

Hosted on the MAAP, the DLR PolInSAR course is an online, hands-on course that aims to develop an understanding of... read more

MAAP Joint-Team Face-to-Face Meeting for version 3D2

During 7 to 9 November, ESA and NASA will meet at ESRIN in Frascati (Italy), to jointly plan future MAAP... read more


During the 11th International Workshop on Science and Applications of SAR Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry and BIOMASS Workshop, the MAAP... read more